Scrap Metal

Remove the Eyesores From Your Cincinnati Area Property

Rely on our team for scrap metal removal in Middletown or Hamilton, OH

Your property's appearance is the first thing that makes an impression on potential customers or guests. If scrap metal or old machinery has made a home on your property, making a good impression can be difficult.

JNK Surplus & Commercial Services needs to be your go-to company for scrap metal removal in Middletown and Hamilton, OH. Depending on the state of your scrap metal, we may even buy it from you. We'll handle every part of the removal and hauling process to leave your property in great shape.

Contact us now to get rid of your old scrap metal.

3 reasons why you need to get rid of your scrap metal

Scrap metal and old, unused machines are eyesores you don't want to deal with. Any scrap lingering on your property:

  1. Creates a health risk
  2. Decreases your curb appeal
  3. Makes a bad impression on customers

You need to maintain a professional appearance for your business. If you need scrap metal removal services, call us today.